
Acquisition of Land for Bridge Weighed

The City Council tonight will consider acquiring land for a $9.4-million bridge project designed to improve traffic flow on Johnson Drive.

The bridge will be built over the railroad tracks next to the Ventura Freeway.

The project also includes improvements to the southbound onramps and offramps to the freeway.

The city is using its powers of eminent domain to acquire the land.

But unlike the battles that have taken place over condemnations in other areas of the city, the owner of one of the two pieces of property is not planning to fight.


“It’s not a big surprise,” said Dennis Dwire of Oxnard, one of the property owners.

“They’ve been very upfront about it.”

The city has offered what Dwire said was a fair price for his third of an acre.

The other property, 1.8 acres, is owned by Raymond Swift of Oxnard.

It is not known if he plans to fight the acquisition.
