
Early Diagnosis and Prompt Treatment Recommended for Those With Allergies


With spring--and the major pollen season--just around the corner, nearly two dozen organizations are teaming up to remind consumers about the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of allergies.

Estimates are that more than 40 million people suffer the sniffles, clogged nasal passages, watery eyes and other symptoms of allergic rhinitis, the medical term for what most people simply call “hay fever.”

Allergic rhinitis not only is troublesome and uncomfortable, but also increases the risk for other problems, including ear and sinus infections and asthma.


Recent studies suggest that allergies and asthma are increasing worldwide. To help counteract that trend, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology spearheaded a task force of 20 other organizations to help standardize diagnosis and treatment of allergies.

Among the groups participating are the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The effort is underwritten by Schering Laboratories, makers of Claritin, a widely prescribed allergy medication.

“This is the first time that a task force . . . has worked together to develop standardized treatment recommendations for some of our most prevalent, chronic disorders,” said Gary S. Rachelefsky, immediate past president of AAAAI and chairman of the task force. “The development of this consensus document has the potential to have an immediate and positive impact on millions of adults and children across the country.”


One concern of the task force is that many people with allergies self-treat with nonprescription medications that fail to control their symptoms adequately.

Another worry is that primary-care physicians are not always familiar with the best way to treat various allergies. For this reason, many patients may suffer needlessly and may be at risk for allergic complications.

The 300-page consensus document contains information on diagnosing and treating allergic rhinitis as well as other allergic problems, including asthma, hives, eczema, middle-ear infections, food and latex allergies, and allergic reactions to drugs and insect stings. The report is aimed at primary-care physicians who often treat people with allergies.


Members of the task force said they planned to release a companion publication soon that will help consumers be more aware of the symptoms and problems of allergies. The message to consumers is that nearly all allergies can be well managed and controlled with proper care.

“This is an important effort to bring the care of allergies up to a new level,” said Stephen Redd, chief of the Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By improving standards of care, he said, “we will be able to reduce the illness and disability caused by allergies.”
