
Steamy Stereotypes?

I have mixed emotions when I see a piece about Canyon Ranch Health Resort in Tucson (“Man vs. Spa,” Jan 17). Each time I visit Canyon Ranch, I want to tell everyone that they must spend their next vacation there. On the other hand, I fear it will become so popular that I may have difficulty getting a reservation.

It was very nice to hear that author Mark Saylor overcame his momentary hesitance about hether men do spas, and actually enjoyed the experience. The criticism I have is his portrayal of women he encountered there.

I had some concern, before going the first time to the ranch, that I would be trapped in a steam room, surrounded by conversations of redecorating the kitchen or baby talk, but I didn’t hear one. I found mostly professional women. The conversations were of politics, the economy, what they were doing with their 401(k) and, I must admit, an occasional breast implant story. I hope Saylor didn’t feel he had to add those “girl” anecdotes for humor. If so, there is more for him to learn about the world besides the fact that men do go to spas.



Los Angeles
