Benefits of Programmable Thermostat
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Question: Our old thermostat does not hold the room temperatures constant. I suppose that I would save a lot and be more comfortable with a new smart thermostat. Which are best and can I install one myself?
Answer: Even in a mild climate, installing a smart programmable thermostat can save a lot of money and improve your comfort level. Several new ones can hold your room temperatures to within 1 degree of the setting. The smartest ones sense both the air and the wall temperatures for ultimate comfort.
You do not have to be an electrician to install one. You just need a screwdriver. Thermostats operate on a safe, low 24 volts. The four wires are color-coded, and you attach them to same color terminals as the old ones.
Even if your VCR still flashes 12:00, you will have no problem setting the daily schedules. For convenient programming from your easy chair, select a thermostat with a snap-off-the-wall feature. If your kids are always changing the temperature setting, select one with an electronic security lock.
Some new programmable thermostats come with an auto-program button. Push it once and the thermostat programs itself to a schedule for the typical family. You can reprogram the time-temperature schedules later.
Don’t just buy the cheapest model on sale. Although they all look similar, there are significant differences in the savings and comfort levels you will realize. Ones with smart recovery remember the previous days’ run times so they know just when to start the furnace or air conditioner and how long to run it.
Before buying a thermostat, first consider the number of time-temperature periods your family will need. I recommend a minimum of four periods per day--typically 1. wake, 2. day, 3. evening and 4. sleep. Make sure to get one with temporary and vacation overrides if your family’s schedule varies.
Next determine if you want to be able to program a different schedule for every day of the week (called 7-day). Less expensive smart thermostats (called 5-2) provide for a single weekday time-temperature schedule and a weekend schedule. There are other variations in between these.
One of newest designs is a thermidistat. It controls the furnace, air conditioner, blower and humidifier independently for total comfort. It even has a sensor to automatically adjust the indoor humidity level based on the outdoor temperature.
Write for (or instantly download Update Bulletin No. 453, a buyer’s guide of the 11 best smart programmable thermostats, time-temperature schedules, comfort features and a setback saving charts. Please include $3 and a business-size self-addressed, stamped envelope and mail to James Dulley, Los Angeles Times, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244.
Old Bathtub Can Be Made to Look New
Q: Our old bathtub is chipped in spots and it looks pretty bad. I was thinking of getting a low-cost fiberglass-type tub because it will keep the bath water warmer. Is this the best tub to get?
A: A nonmetallic tub will keep the bath water slightly hotter, but the difference will not be significant. Actually, the cheapest bathtub that you can get is usually a porcelain on steel design.
Since your budget is tight, consider just having your old one refinished. There are professional companies that will refinish it with a multicoat polymer-resin spray finish. You can select any color and the tub will look great.