
Mayor to Give State of City Talk Today

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Mayor Jim Friedman says he considers himself fortunate to lead the city at such a successful point in its history.

In his second State of the City address, to be delivered today at a downtown luncheon, Friedman is expected to focus on Ventura’s successes--expanding the library, completing the downtown parking structure, other infrastructure improvements, starting a community-based planning process and calling a truce in long-standing development battles with neighboring Oxnard.

“I’m very pleased and extra proud that I got very lucky to be mayor during this year,” Friedman said Thursday. “There are a number of accomplishments to celebrate.”


The mayor said he would touch on the themes of keeping government involvement open to residents, the city’s desire to assist local business and to improve the economy.

“It will be very positive,” said Friedman, who concedes the idea of giving the address makes him a bit anxious.

“Any time you get up in front of 200 to 250 people, and you have reporters there, and radio, and people scrutinize you, it’s kind of nerve-racking,” he said.
