
Restaurants, Clothing Store OKd for Center

After last-minute revisions, developers of a restaurant and retail center planned for the yet-to-open Civic Center Plaza on Tapo Canyon Road have received approval to bring two restaurants and a men’s discount clothing outlet to town.

A TGI Friday’s and a Carl’s Jr. were given the green light, as was a Men’s Wearhouse clothing store and an additional retail building, all to be constructed across from City Hall just north of California 118.

“There’s a desire to have more of a variety of restaurants and food locations--particularly at this end of town,” said Brian Gabler, Simi Valley’s director of economic development.


The Simi Valley Planning Commission first considered portions of the commercial development Jan. 20. But design concerns by commissioners forced the developers to adjust certain elements and submit a revised plan, which was approved Wednesday night.

Gabler said the 140,000-square-foot commercial center will open in phases. Men’s Wearhouse hopes to open by Father’s Day, he said, while a stadium-style movie theater won’t open until fall.
