
Matilija Dam Removal

A member of the staff of Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) has asked me to prepare a letter supporting his request for a study on the removal of the Matilija Dam. The issues are great enough to require an environmental and engineering survey of the proposal. I support the congressman’s request as an engineer and local citizen.

The profession of engineering deals in facts, observations, environment, the laws of nature, physics, dynamics, etc. Usually, professionals reach the right answers because the laws of nature are fixed, demanding, exacting and have been known for a long time.

However, I do have a problem with today’s methods of searching for the truth. With the current approach of legal contestants and the public’s attitude toward responsibility, perjury and character, why will future professionals give much credence to truth? If dollars will stretch the truth for the client and prevent punishment for lies, poor performance in office and improper moral behavior, why worry about your testimony or behavior? An expert witness could make a fortune without fear of perjury or harm.


The conduct of Rodney King, O.J. Simpson, Mike Tyson and now the Congressional investigation and Senate trial of the president indicate it is acceptable, fashionable and common to stray from the truth and commit perjury.

Still, I do support Congressman Gallegly’s position in this matter.

