
Pocket Parks

* Re “City Seeks to Put Mini-Parks in Urban Pockets,” Feb. 8:

Do L.A. officials really believe inner-city families are so stupid they will send their children off to unsupervised pocket parks? Our kids can’t even go out into the courtyards of their own apartment buildings because of drug dealers who sit on the steps to flag down passing customers and then run in to hide from the police. Every block is plagued by graffiti, gunshots and loose pit bulls.

If council members really cared, would they ask parents to further risk our personal health and safety to remove the trash--human and otherwise--from parks they say they can’t afford to maintain?

We don’t need vacant lots to be named mini-parks. Give us increased police patrols and more animal control officers to deal with the gang fights, drive-by shootings and vicious dogs. Then our children can play in front of their own houses or in their own yards.



Los Angeles
