
Steelmakers File New Dumping Complaint

Associated Press

Leading U.S. steel companies and the United Steelworkers Union filed more import complaints, accusing eight countries of dumping steel in the U.S. market. The action against the Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macedonia and South Korea came just days after the industry won a ruling that Japan and Brazil had illegally dumped hot-rolled steel. The new complaints involve cut-to-length steel plate. Imports of that steel product have increased by 521% from those eight countries since 1995, the industry said. In a joint statement, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Gulf States Steel Inc., Ipsco Steel Inc., Tuscaloosa Steel Co., USX Corp. and the union said the eight countries are responsible for pushing down prices and forcing U.S. factories to slash production. The U.S. International Trade Commission has 45 days and the Commerce Department 160 days to make a preliminary determination of injury that could lead to new tariffs on steel exports from those countries. Still pending is a Clinton administration decision on a deal with Russia that could allow that nation to avoid tariffs on its steel.
