
Bone Up on Parenting and Laugh a Little Too

For moms- and dads-to-be, “We’re Having a Baby” is a new video that offers practical parenting advice along with a healthy dose of comic relief from regular people and players from the improvisational comedy troupe the Groundlings.

Although the video is entertaining (“What would you like to barf up for breakfast this morning?” one loving husband asks), it is not just about laughs. Medical experts and caregivers (including doctors, psychotherapists, a midwife and a childbirth educator) offer down-to-earth answers to questions and concerns like, “Will the occasional glass of wine affect my baby’s development?” “I didn’t have any morning sickness. Is that a bad sign?” and “I’m worried I’m not going to do very well in labor.”

The 53-minute video, which costs $19.95, is the first in a series that will be produced by Parenticipation Inc. The L.A.-based company was formed by Ray Donahue, a veteran of motion picture marketing and production, who wanted to develop parenting videos that would entertain as well as educate.


“When my wife and I found out we were having our first child, we immediately went out and bought all the books. We thought it would be helpful to watch a video, but when we started looking, we found most were too clinical or focused primarily on exercise,” he says. “We did extensive research to determine the questions asked most often.”

Other videos in development are “Bringing Baby Home,” “Your Baby From 1 to 2” and “The Toddler Years.” For information, (877) 435-BABY or
