
Call It the Virtual Kool-Aid Acid Test

Counterculture hero and author (“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”) Ken Kesey, whose LSD-fueled barnstorming trips helped define the 1960s counterculture movement, is still on the road.

It’s a cyber-road. Just point your browser to and delve into “The ZyberHome of Ken Kesey, the Bus Further, and the MERRY PRANKSTERS.”

Once dedicated to spreading the anti-establishment gospel of expanded consciousness through freedom and drug use, Kesey, or his Web master, now is packaging the ‘60s experience with all the zest of a Harvard marketing graduate.


Click on the Merry Prankster Classified link and find an ad for

Kesey’s “Ban the Bullet” bumper stickers (two for $5); or the videotape and script of “Twister!,” Kesey’s musical treatment of the end of the millennium; or “Finally! The Complete Neal Cassady: Drive Alive!”

Beat generation author Cassady, who died in 1968, was the man behind the wheel of the psychedelic bus when Kesey organized a trip to the New York World’s Fair. The trip was immortalized in Tom Wolfe’s “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” and now Cassady’s own reflections are being released.

The three volumes of the CDs are available for $20 each, two for $30, or three for $40, from, Box 764, Pleasant Hill, OR 97455.
