
The Ice Pack

In the peace and beauty of the back country, it’s hard for the Southern California Nordic Ski Patrol, the National Ski Patrol and U.S. Forest Service to get across the dangers. Nationwide, the National Ski Patrol has launched a campaign on back-country safety.

Some safety tips:

* Don’t assume a slope is safe because there are tracks on it. Snowpack stability is constantly changing because of wind, sun and temperature.

* Never travel in the back country on the day after a big storm. Allow it to settle for 24 hours.


* If you’re camping or traveling deep into the back country, leave word with someone.

* Remember that the day may start out sunny, but weather in the mountains can change quickly.

* Besides basics, such as food, water and layers of clothing, you should carry a flashlight, whistle, mirror, matches and something that could be used for shelter, such as a large bag or poncho.

* Stay put if you get lost. Make a big “X” with branches to mark your location.

For more information, contact the Southern California ski patrol, (310) 459-8045, or visit the Web site
