
Round by Round

* ROUND ONE: Quartey comes out with a jab and a left hook that De La Hoya deflects. Quartey is flicking the jab. De La Hoya counters with a jab to the head. Quartey is short with a jab and a hook. De La Hoya lands two left hooks and a right uppercut. De La Hoya works the body but misses an uppercut. Quartey flicks his jab but has trouble finding the range. Quartey lands a lunging left hook. De La Hoya lands a three-punch combination to the body. De La Hoya lands another combination to the body but misses an uppercut. Round to Quartey.

* ROUND TWO: De La Hoya pumps three jabs to the head and Quartey misses with a jab. Quartey is repeatedly short with his jab. De La Hoya misses a wild left hook. Quartey misses an overhand right to the head. De La Hoya throws a left-right combination into Quartey’s gloves. Quartey lands a left jab to the head. Quartey is trying to close the distance. De La Hoya lands a right to the head but misses a left-right combination. De La Hoya throws four jabs but is coming up short. Quartey lands a left-right combination to the head but de La Hoya counters with a four-punch volley to the body. Round to De La Hoya

* ROUND THREE: De La Hoya has a little blood trickling from his right nostril. Quartey is looking to work behind the jab. De La Hoya misses a pair of jabs. De La Hoya is short to the head of Quartey, who pumps a pair of jabs in De La Hoya’s face. De La Hoya lands a left hook and overhand right. Quartey lands a right to the head and three punches to the body. Quartey throws two jabs that are off the mark. Quartey again short with the jab. Quartey misses a left hook and De La Hoya counters with a jab. Quartey is loading up with his right hand. Round to De La Hoya


* ROUND FOUR: Quartey digs a left to the body and lands a jab. Quartey remains erratic in landing his jab. De La Hoya misses a jab. Quartey sneaks a soft left hook to the face, but De La Hoya counters with a left jab to the body and left to the head. De La Hoya lands a left hook to the head and follows up with three jabs. De La Hoya lands a jab to Quartey’s head but lands to the body. De La Hoya is getting the better of it with his jab. Quartey misses a left uppercut and follows with two jabs that are short. Round to De La Hoya

* ROUND FIVE: Quartey again opens with the jab. De La Hoya misses a left hook and Quartey counters with a pair of jabs. Quartey misses twice with the jab. De La Hoya misses again with the left hook and Quartey looks to counter with the jab. De La Hoya presses Quartey but misses his three-punch combination. De La Hoya misses with a series of jabs. De La Hoya lands a right to the head and partially blocks a combination by Quartey. Round even.

* ROUND SIX: De La Hoya decks Quartey with a left hook 11 seconds into the round. Quartey comes out of corner after the flash knockdown and fires back. De La Hoya misses with a series of wild punches as he traps Quartey in the corner. Quartey lands a counter left hand and decks De La Hoya. De La Hoya is up quickly and referee Mitch Halpern warns Quartey for not breaking quickly enough. Both fighters appear OK. Quartey lands a left to the chin and jab to the head. Quartey flicks his jab at De La Hoya. De La Hoya lands a three-punch combination to the body. Quartey lands a right down the middle. De La Hoya’s eye appears to be swelling up. Round to Quartey


* ROUND SEVEN: De La Hoya digs a left hook to the body that is borderline. Quartey lands a jab to the body but De La Hoya counters. Quartey is stalking De La Hoya. Quartey lands a straight right to the body and follows with two jabs. Quartey is trying to dictate the pace. De La Hoya flicks three jabs. Round to Quartey

* ROUND EIGHT: De La Hoya has a small abrasion and some swelling under his left eye. Quartey is short with a pair of jabs. De La Hoya lands a jab to Quartey’s chest. Quartey is flicking his jab. Quartey misses a wild right. Quartey lands a soft right to the head. Quartey lands an uppercut to the body. De La Hoya lands a left jab and right to the head. He misses a wild left. Quartey pedals three jabs to the head. De La Hoya is pressing the action. Round to Quartey

* ROUND NINE: The fighters trade jabs in the middle of the ring. De La Hoya seems reluctant to throw his right hand. Quartey throws a right hand that De La Hoya blocks. De La Hoya lands a three-punch combination to the head of Quartey. Quartey answers with three jabs. Quartey is pumping his jab softly at De La Hoya. De La Hoya misses with a right but follows with two jabs. De La Hoya lands a right-left combination to Quartey’s head. De La Hoya lands a right hand to the head but Quartey ducks a pair of left hooks. Quartey lands a right to De La Hoya’s chin. Round to De La Hoya


* ROUND 10: De La Hoya lands a left hook that snaps Quartey’s head back. Quartey regains his composure and begins to jab again. De La Hoya misses a left hook. Quartey lands a jab to the head. Quartey blocks a combination to the head. De La De La Hoya presses Quartey and lands a left hook to the head and the body. Quartey lands a left hook to the body. De La Hoya throws a left hook to the body. De La Hoya chases Quartey but misses. Round to De La Hoya

* ROUND 11: De La Hoya is pressing the action. Both fighters are looking for a big punch. De La Hoya misses an overhand right. Quartey continues to jab. De La Hoya is back on his toes. Quartey is short with three jabs. De La Hoya misses a left hook and a pawing left. Quartey is short with a jab. De La Hoya is standing in front of Quartey and tries to bully him into the ropes. Quartey lands a jab to the body. Round Even

* ROUND 12: De La Hoya comes out quick and floors Quartey with a left hook to the head. Quartey takes an eight-count and is up. De La Hoya lands a series of power punches and has Quartey trapped in the corner. Quartey is in trouble. De La Hoya lands a huge left hook. Quartey is taking punishment but fires back. De La Hoya may have punched himself out. De La Hoya lands a left hook that wobbles Quartey. De La Hoya is looking for one last flurry. De La Hoya misses a right hand but lands a jab. Quartey claps his gloves together. Quartey lands a left hook. Quartey throws weak three jabs. Round to De La Hoya.

Scoring by SportsTicker
