
Condom Choosers and Users Pick Pitts, Hewitt

Well, here it is National Condom Week again. (As always, it begins on Valentine’s Day.) In celebration, Condomania of Los Angeles--America’s first condom store--surveyed 1,000 people ages 15 to 34 on “condom attitudes and use.”

Here are some highlights.

“How embarrassing is it for you to buy condoms?” Most men said it was no big deal. But many women agreed it was “kind of awkward--like watching a sex scene on TV with your parents.”

“If you had just one condom left, what celebrity would you want to use it with?” Golden boy Brad Pitt and Jennifer Love Hewitt, of “Party of Five,” got the most votes. Tom Cruise and Pamela Anderson came in second. Votes also were cast for Bill Clinton, Ken Starr and Monica Lewinsky.


“Which company would you most like to see make condoms?” The front-runner was Nike. The “Just Do It!” slogan would have new meaning.

Condom Week was initiated in 1978 by students at UC Berkeley and now involves thousands of universities, family planning centers and public health groups. The observance is coordinated by the Condom Resource Center, a nonprofit, Oakland-based organization. For more information, contact
