
Saudi Terror Suspect Bin Laden Restricted, Taliban Militia Says

<i> Reuters</i>

Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban militia said Wednesday that it imposed severe restrictions on terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden after refusing U.S. demands that he be extradited.

A Taliban statement, quoted by a Pakistan-based Afghan news service, said the Saudi-born millionaire had been deprived of all facilities to communicate with the outside world and that restrictions had been placed on his visitors.

“He no longer has any communications and means of contact,” the Afghan Islamic Press quoted the statement as saying.


It also quoted a Taliban spokesman as saying the Islamic militia will review Bin Laden’s status as a guest living in exile in Afghanistan if he violates the new restrictions.

Earlier Wednesday, Taliban spokesmen ruled out Bin Laden’s extradition to the U.S.

The U.S. accuses the Saudi dissident of masterminding bomb attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August that killed 224 people--including 12 Americans--and has offered a reward of $5 million for information leading to his arrest and conviction.
