
City to Study Feasibility of Tougher Nude Bar Rules

A week after a city panel approved a nude juice bar in Van Nuys, the Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to ask its attorneys to determine the feasibility of tougher rules for such businesses.

The council directed the city attorney’s office to report back on whether Los Angeles can adopt ordinances similar to those upheld by courts in Newport Beach and Kent, Wash.

Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski asked for the review, saying she supports ordinances that prohibit physical contact and tipping between nude dancers and patrons, and requires dancers to perform on an elevated platform at least 10 feet away from patrons.


Miscikowski represents an Oxnard Street neighborhood in Van Nuys where Spearmint Rhino won permission last week from the Police Permit Review Panel to open a nude club where nonalcoholic beverages are served.

The councilwoman is concerned about the proliferation of adult businesses and the potential that they would add to prostitution and drug-dealing problems in Los Angeles neighborhoods, said Glenn Barr, a spokesman for Miscikowski.

“If you discourage the practice of lap dancing, then you will have fewer and fewer people willing to build these places,” Barr said.
