

A committee organizing the city’s annual picnic has set May 23 as the date. The picnic will be held from noon to 6 p.m. at Irvine Lake.

Mayor Bob Bell and Councilman Robert E. McGowan will serve as the City Council liaisons. Other executive committee members are Larry Dick and Ken Henderson, representatives from Serrano Water District, and Eric and Mary Kuli, community representatives.

Tickets will be $2 each. Local youth groups can sell tickets and keep $1 for their organization, Bell said. Villa Park Rotary Club will be in charge of food, entertainment and activities.


Volunteers are still needed to help put on the event. The next committee meeting is at 7:30 p.m. March 1 at the Serrano Water District offices, 18021 Lincoln St. Information: (714) 998-1500.
