
Bank Officer to Target Middle-Market Clients


Even companies worth $50 million need money. And Jeff Gery of Moorpark intends to help them get it.

Gery has been named senior vice president and business development officer of the Oxnard office of City National Bank. As such, he will work to help middle-market businesses in Ventura County acquire the financing they need.

“They are in need of capital to continue growing,” Gery said.

“What’s going on with some of the major banks is, as they are reconfiguring themselves, they are either neglecting or not offering the services and credit the middle-market clients need,” he said.


“We’re not with the top banks, but we’re not a small bank where we don’t have the products and services people need. We can grow with the companies without shipping them off to other banks.”

Gery was involved with business development in Ventura County for Bank of America for about six years. He said he would take advantage of existing contacts as he tries to establish new business. His scope will include a range of industries well-represented in the county.

“The base of Ventura County, for years, has been agriculture--we have a lot of agriculture customers up here continuing to grow,” Gery said.


“They are being supplemented by other industries moving into the area, including technology, telecommunications companies, medical research companies and their support businesses,” he said. “It is where our economy nationally seems to be headed, and that’s only going to benefit businesses here locally.”
