
Beverly Hills Fur Flap

Re “Down and Outre in Beverly Hills,” editorial, Feb. 4: I am completely in favor of the advisory tags on products made from fur. People who are unaware of exactly how a fur garment was created need to be made aware of the process. I smoke; I do not object to the warnings on cigarettes. I would also like to see caution labels on the diesel trucks: The pollutants from those vehicles have been determined to cause lung cancer; the trucks should carry a warning to that effect.

You state, “Let’s not start putting it to a vote.” Why not? The initiative process is for citizens to be able to pass laws for what they want regulated. More power to the anti-furs!




As a resident of Beverly Hills, I am a staunch supporter of the fur labeling initiative. I am pleased to hear that the hard work of the consumer group that backed the initiative paid off in the City Council mandating a special election on the issue.


As for the self-preserving furriers of Beverly Hills, I have a word of caution. Think tobacco. For years the leaders in this industry went to enormous lengths to keep consumers in the dark, simply to save their bottom line. Look where that got them.

I say let the truth be known and let the chips fall where they may.


Beverly Hills


Yet again, “consumer awareness” and even “humane treatment” are the masquerade used to bully, intimidate and horrify the public. Do we really want a vegetarian society with no domestic pets where no animals are used for agricultural, medical, entertainment or educational purposes (including zoos)? If you don’t want fur, meat or leather, don’t buy it. The tactics of lies, threats and terror reveal animal rights groups for what they really are: a manipulative fringe element that preys on “animal lovers” to generously finance their extremist agenda. They create disturbances to get free publicity that promotes their views.

If you want to help animals, be a responsible pet owner and/or donate time, supplies or funds to your local animal shelter. Don’t support groups that spend your money to spread their propaganda.



Los Angeles
