
Suing Gun Makers, Guns in Mexico

Re “Board Bans ‘Junk Guns,’ Considers Suing Makers,” Feb. 3:

The L.A. County supervisors have finally hit on a great source of revenue. Let’s sue the manufacturers of everything for the cost of damages caused when their products function properly.

We can recover the medical costs of injuries caused by knives that cut, hammers that hammer, guns that shoot, scissors, hedge trimmers, screwdrivers, etc. Obviously, anyone who makes something that causes an injury should be liable for the costs incurred as a result of that injury, even when the product functions exactly as it is designed, built and advertised to function.




Re “Double-Barreled Problems to the South,” Feb. 2: As a two-time victim of handgun violence, I have a suggestion for Caltrans officials. Rather than freeway signs warning ignorant Yankee gun-toters against taking their weapons into Mexico, why not fund signs and radio spots encouraging Americans to take as many guns as possible across the border? Each gun confiscated by Mexico, whose gun laws are much more sensible than ours, will make our wretched nation marginally more livable.


Joe Moody violated Mexican law and spent five days with the “heart-pounding” prospect of a long stint in “foul-smelling” jail cells. I can assure Moody that nothing makes the human heart pound as much as having a gun pointed at it, and nothing smells so foul as the bullet-riddled bodies we point to as symbols of our “liberty.”


