
Addicted to Diets? Don’t Despair

Geneen Roth is a leader, if not the leader, of the anti-diet movement. She preaches moderation and common sense. Deny yourself nothing, learn to really enjoy what you eat, and the overeating will stop.

A onetime diet junkie, Roth says she has not dieted, nor has her weight fluctuated, in years. The audio is presented in easy-to-grasp language and principles very much mired in Buddhist awareness techniques. Instead of counting calories, she wants us to learn acceptance and self-forgiveness. That said, Roth does not tell you to eat 15 pounds of chocolate for breakfast. She does advise the listener to get off the yo-yo diet cycle and offers concise help to do so.

Narrator Susan Clark is always someone worth hearing. She has a moderately low, slightly husky voice. Her timing is word-perfect. Roth writes with humor, and Clark never misses a beat, even catching Roth’s occasional sarcasm and sly irony.



WALKING TO CLASSICS: Classical Music for Fitness Walking

Produced by John Scherf

HighBridge Audio, original audio material, one cassette. Length: 60 minutes. $12.95. There are three tapes: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Available in bookstores or by calling (800) 755-8532.

These tapes are not audio books per se but lively collections of music designed to pump up your spirits as you mark your miles on the treadmill or wend your way around the track.

Each cassette begins at a slow tempo, eases into 45 minutes of music at full tempo, and then offers a few more minutes at a slower pace to help you cool down.


The music is marvelous. The tapes are filled with Vivaldi and Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. Many of the tunes are easily recognizable, such as “The Four Seasons” and “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik,” but there are also selections that have not been as popularized. All make a joyful noise, however, which is what one needs to finish that 15-minute mile!
