
Summer Arts Program Accepting Applications

The California State Summer School for the Arts is accepting applications for its monthlong program that begins in July.

CalArts in Valencia will be hosting the highly competitive, state-sponsored program, which admits about 500 high school students for hands-on experience in subjects ranging from animation to dance.

“It is a phenomenal program and it has grown continuously since it has been on our campus,” said Anita Bonnell, director of public affairs at CalArts.


The program, which was developed in 1985 and has been offered since 1987, recently received a donation of about $50,000 from California Federal Bank.

Because the state does not provide total funding for the program, private donations are essential to the Summer School for the Arts, said Robert M. Jaffe, its director.

Cal Fed provided the donation to promote the program, search for students and help fund scholarships for low-income applicants. By law, the summer program cannot deny admission to anyone because of economic reasons and last year, the program provided scholarships to 48% of its students.


Students participating in the program will be selected in March.

For information about the summer school, write CSSSA, 4825 J St., Suite 120, Sacramento 95819-3747. The phone number is (916) 227-9444 and the e-mail address is [email protected].

Applications and program information may be obtained at the CSSSA web site at
