
3 From Southland Named to State Education Panel

Three people from Southern California were among four people named by Gov. Gray Davis to the State Board of Education on Tuesday.

The board’s 11 members, all appointees of the governor, set education policy for the state.

The nominees are:

* Monica Lozano, 42, of Los Angeles, associate publisher of La Opinion, a Spanish-language daily newspaper, and a trustee of the University of Southern California.


* Carlton Jenkins, 43, of Los Angeles, chairman of Founders National Bank, the first black-owned national bank in California.

* Vicki Reynolds, 63, a Beverly Hills City Council member and former mayor and former member of the Beverly Hills Unified School District board.

* Former San Jose Mayor Susan Hammer, 60, who worked on the San Jose Education Network, a collaboration of her office, local schools and businesses to put computers in classrooms.


The four must be confirmed by the state Senate. Board members do not receive a salary.

They replace two board members appointed by former Gov. Pete Wilson but not confirmed by the Senate and two Wilson appointees whose terms expired last month. Those unconfirmed were Timothy Draper of Redwood City, a venture capitalist who is writing a voucher initiative, and Gerti Thomas of Albany, a board member since 1990 who was reappointed by Wilson.

The board members whose terms expired last month were Marion McDowell of San Carlos, deputy superintendent of the Sequoia Union High School District, and Marina Tse of Monterey Park, a special education teacher in the Duarte Unified School District.
