
Student Wins Contest to Write Charter Preamble

The first words voters will read when they get Los Angeles’ proposed constitution will not be those of any mayor, council member or commissioner, but of a Belmont High School senior.

John Du won a citywide contest for writing the best preamble, beating out 150 other entries. On Monday, he was given a $1,000 savings bond, along with a proclamation thanking him and a promise that his words, with some editing, will open the charter reform proposal.

Here is his preamble:

“We the people of the city of Los Angeles, in order to build a new governmental foundation for the millennium, do hereby create a community where all voices in our diverse society can be heard.


“We do hereby establish a process for all peoples to participate fairly and have equitable representation.

“We do hereby provide for the fair distribution of all government services and resources (natural and financial), and

“We hereby strive to maintain an urban environment where all people have the opportunity to be educated, gainfully employed and free to pursue social harmony.”
