
School’s Opening Delayed a 2nd Time

Just when it seemed certain the much-anticipated Walnut Canyon School would open on Tuesday, Moorpark school officials have decided to delay the opening a second time.

The school’s original opening last September was delayed in part by rains that held up construction.

Now, the school’s planned Tuesday opening has been postponed until March or April.

Board President David Pollock said there are a few finishing touches to be completed in the school’s interior, including a fire door that hasn’t arrived yet. A new drainage system must also be redesigned.


Pollock said officials are dealing with three issues in trying to get the school open:

* The school building itself must be completed.

* Officials must then work with the city to widen a portion of Casey Road so vehicles can make both left and right turns onto Walnut Canyon Road. Vehicles can now only turn right onto Walnut Canyon Road.

* Finally, officials must work with Caltrans to get a traffic light at Casey and Walnut Canyon roads to ensure students’ safety.

The intersection is in Caltrans’ jurisdiction because Walnut Canyon Road also serves as a section of California 23.


Late last year the district reached agreement with Caltrans and the city on the traffic signal. In that agreement, the district said it would pay $370,000 to install a signal and handle the acquisition of a small amount of property to widen the intersection.

In return, Caltrans agreed to hurry plans for the signal and eventually repay the district 50% of the project’s cost.

The City Council is expected to review the intersection improvements this week, and board members hope work on the project--expected to take 40 days--will begin soon, Pollock said.
