
A ‘Fulfilled’ Life, but at What Cost?

Am I supposed to admire Kim Mascheroni (“A Life Fulfilled” by Bettijane Levine, Aug. 2) because she had three children; barely participated in raising them; abandoned them at the ages of 13, 12 and 8; spends six months of the year out of the country looking for antiques to sell in her shops, and feels fulfilled? I don’t think so. As far as I am concerned, Kim Mascheroni is a self-centered, thoughtless, egotistical woman who should never have had children. This is not someone I want to waste my time reading about.

What about the rest of us working mothers who may dream about leaving everything behind and starting over but realize that we have responsibilities? We made a decision several years ago to have children and to raise them until they were on their own. You can change careers, move to a new house, relocate your family to another city, move, maybe even change spouses, but you cannot abandon your children because you feel like it!

Find someone else to honor on your front page.



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