
Group to Offer Tour of Casitas Wildlife

Wildlife cruises are to crisscross Lake Casitas under a plan approved by the Casitas Municipal Water District Board of Directors.

In partnership with the Center for Earth Concerns, the district will offer rides on two electric boats. The environmental group is working with Southern California Edison to obtain a recharging station at the lake.

District spokeswoman Elaine Paul said the cruises will offer lectures and multimedia presentations about the wildlife in and around the lake.


The lake region is home to deer, mountain lions and four nesting pairs of bald eagles, said Pat Weinberger, a board member of Center for Earth Concerns.

The deal was approved Wednesday, but financial aspects still need to be finalized, Weinberger said. The operation’s launch date has not been set.

“This is not like plunking a Mercury motor on the back and taking off,” said Weinberger. “Its very complicated.”
