
Santa Paula Growth Plan

Re “State Panel OKs Reduced Santa Paula Growth Plan,” Oct. 22.

Once again Santa Paula is being dumped on. It seems that everyone else besides those in Santa Paula knows what’s best for our city.

First it was the county jail facility that was built over the protests of Santa Paulans. Then it was the expansion of the Toland dump. Now the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has decided that they know what we need, paring our planned expansion to less than a third of the proposal.

The bottom line is that Santa Paula does not have the voter clout that other areas of the county have, and with the limited expansion allowed we never will. Tell me that there wasn’t a political motivation to LAFCO’s decision.




Concerning The Times’ endorsement of Laura Espinosa, John Melton and Al Escoto for Santa Paula City Council, it is obvious that whoever selected these individuals is not from Santa Paula or in touch with the people who live there.

You are way off base! Laura and John would like our town to either die of no growth or be completely overpopulated with low-and very low-income property.

MARY DEINES, Santa Paula
