
City to Develop Play Area for Disabled Children

Following appeals from dozens of disabled children, the Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to set aside two acres of Griffith Park for creation of the state’s first playground designed for both disabled and able-bodied children.

The council’s action paves the way for Shane’s Inspiration, a playground where children in wheelchairs can roll onto large platform swings or play at waist-high sand tables.

Designers say 80% of the equipment at the new playground will be accessible by disabled children.


The effort to create Shane’s Inspiration came from a San Fernando Valley couple, Catherine Curry-Williams and Scott Williams, whose son, Shane, was born paralyzed and died at age 14.

Inspired by a similar playground in Connecticut, the couple started an organization to raise $600,000 to design and build the park. They have secured about $100,000 so far.
