
7 Candidates Vying for 2 Council Seats

Top campaign issues for seven contenders seeking a seat on Anaheim City Council include revitalizing aged and deteriorating neighborhoods, reducing crime and assisting school districts in providing quality education.

The candidates in the Tuesday council election are vying for the seats held by Councilman Lou Lopez, running for Orange County supervisor, and Councilman Bob Zemel, who is challenging Mayor Tom Daly for the separately elected mayoral post.

This year’s slate includes a former councilman and three candidates who have run for council unsuccessfully in the past.


Paul Bostwick put in his bid for council twice before, in 1988 and 1994. Trying for a third time, Bostwick, a 42-year resident, said his community experience and leadership can “help the city.” He favors improving neighborhood safety, protecting residential areas from high-density development and providing additional school facilities to maintain small classes.

Elected to the council in 1992, Frank Feldhaus lost his seat in 1996--he came in third for two seats. Feldhaus, a 40-year resident, said he wants to continue to attack crime, graffiti and abandoned shopping carts; revitalize downtown and west Anaheim; and create recreation programs at parks and youth centers.

First-time candidate and third-generation resident John R. Karczynski wants to eliminate blight and invest in neighborhoods, including new street lighting and sidewalks. He also supports a police station in west Anaheim and more services for seniors.


Todd Kaudy contends the council has “lost touch with the people who put them in office.” Kaudy, an Anaheim native also seeking a seat for the first time, pledges to work with school districts to reduce overcrowding, limit commercial development in the hills and form a panel to review citizen complaints against police.

Lucille Kring, a nine-year resident who finished fourth in the council race two years ago, said she’s trying again for several reasons: to cut taxes, fight crime, bring in businesses and protect jobs for residents.

Retired government teacher Leonard L. Lahtinen said he’s worried about the exodus of residents and businesses from Anaheim, the deterioration and neglect of older neighborhoods and areas infested with drug dealing and other crime. Lahtinen, a 36-year resident, first ran in 1994.


Political newcomer Sean F. Leonard is sending an unorthodox message: He is encouraging people not to vote. “Voting isn’t going to get rid of crime and better the community--only people can do that by getting to know their neighbors. No politician is going to change your life.” A 12-year resident, he has made crime-fighting issues part of his campaign.


Anaheim City Council Candidates

There are seven candidates seeking two seats on the City Council:

Paul Bostwick

Age: 57

Occupation: Business owner, recreational vehicle supply and service

Background: Anaheim Planning Commissioner, 1995 to present; board member, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce; president-elect, Anaheim Kiwanis Club; member, Anaheim United Methodist Church, Anaheim Memorial Medical Center Foundation, Anaheim Private Industry Council and Anaheim Sister Cities Assn.; former board member, Anaheim Community Foundation; former Anaheim Redevelopment Commission member

Issues: Improve neighborhood safety by expanding community policing, enforcing strict anti-gang policies, increasing code enforcement and insisting on tough prosecution of criminals; expand role of community and neighborhood associations in planning process and protect neighborhoods from reckless high-density development; provide additional school facilities to maintain smaller class sizes; supports zero-tolerance for weapons and drugs on campuses


Frank Feldhaus

Age: 70

Occupation: Retired president and chief financial officer of telecommunications company

Background: Anaheim City Council member, 1992-1996; board member, Western Medical Center Hospital, Anaheim; Anaheim Planning Commission member, 1987-1991; Anaheim Redevelopment Commission member, 1991-92; founder and committee member, Anaheim Fall Festival; co-founder and committee member, Anaheim Nutcracker Holiday; member, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce; board member, Anaheim Family YMCA

Issues: Reduce crime so all residents feel safe in their homes, streets and parks; eliminate gang tagging and graffiti, abandoned shopping carts, aggressive panhandling, nude juice bars and prostitution; work with school boards on issues including overcrowding and transportation safety and provide supervised after-school recreation programs at parks


John R. Karczynski

Age: 26

Occupation: Business owner

Background: Chairman, Anaheim Redevelopment and Housing Commission; business development subcommittee chairman, West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council; voting member, Anaheim Community Development Block Grant Advisory Board; board member, Anaheim Ballet and Anaheim Arts Council; member, Anaheim Sunrise Rotary Club, Magnolia Manor Estates neighborhood council, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the Anaheim Library; financial contributor, Anaheim Downtown Community Center opening


Issues: Empower and invest in neighborhoods to provide more lighting, better sidewalks, additional libraries, community centers and senior housing and services; build police station in West Anaheim and expand community policing program; eliminate blight by supporting projects that beautify and enhance the quality of life and protect residents’ investments in their homes and properties


Todd Kaudy

Age: 28

Occupation: Businessman

Background: Member, Anaheim City School District Board of Education and served as president, 1996-97

Issues: Reduce overcrowded schools by creating a partnership between city and school districts to place schools in city master plan, use city-owned land next to school campuses and utilize city Redevelopment Agency to acquire land to build schools; limit commercial development in Anaheim Hills; expand community policing and establish citizens commission to evaluate complaints involving police and code enforcement departments


Lucille Kring

Age: 55

Occupation: Businesswoman

Background: Former deputy foreman, federal grand jury; board member, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce; vice president, American Cancer Society, North Orange County Unit; member, fund-raising committee, Muscular Dystrophy Assn.; religious education teacher; graduate, Leadership Anaheim; Anaheim Chamber of

Commerce Ambassador of the Year, 1997-98, for volunteer work; member, Orange County Republican Central Committee; volunteer, Paint Your Heart Out Anaheim

Issues: Reduce crime by expanding community policing, continuing to support INS officer at city jail and working with code enforcement to reduce density and overcrowding in neighborhoods; streamline red tape and regulations on businesses; revitalize infrastructure in neighborhoods



Leonard L. Lahtinen

Age: 64

Occupation: Community college trustee

Background: Retired high school government teacher, including 32 years with Anaheim Union High School District; trustee, North Orange County Community College District board, since 1990; former foreman pro tem, Orange County Grand Jury; board member, Anaheim Museum and Boys and Girls Club of Anaheim; member, Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim; team captain, Paint Your Heart Out Anaheim; financial secretary, Faith Lutheran Church; member, West Anaheim Better Business and Concerned Citizens

Issues: Improve older and neglected neighborhoods to keep families and businesses in Anaheim; improve deteriorated and blighted apartment developments, especially in West Anaheim; supports community policing and code enforcement efforts in residential areas with drug dealing and crime problems


Sean F. Leonard

Age: 29

Occupation: Special education/occupational therapist

Background: Organizer of food drives for homeless people and community picnics for youth

Issues: Encourage people against voting because contends it will not put an end to crime or bring cleaner neighborhoods, only people can do that by getting to know their neighborhoods; would seek to end neighborhood blight and reduce crime in part by cleaning up streets, installing street lights and enhancing residential areas with community centers and parks

Source: Individual candidates

Researched by DEBRA CANO / For The Times
