
Police Blame Double Slaying on Gang Fight

Two men in a car idling at a stoplight were shot to death Sunday night by a gunman in another vehicle in a gang-related attack, authorities said.

Jose Eduardo Baraona, 20, of North Hollywood and Richard Alexander Castro, 19, of Sun Valley were killed in the 11 p.m. shooting at Sepulveda Boulevard and San Fernando Mission Road, according to Los Angeles police.

Det. Frank Bishop said the victims were North Hollywood gang members. They met their attackers at a gas station at Sepulveda and Rinaldi Street, he said.


“The suspects asked [the victims] where they were from,” said Bishop. “They told them.”

After the exchange at the gas station, the victims were followed by gang members in a light-colored Buick Regal.

When Baraona and Castro stopped at a stoplight, the Regal pulled alongside and a gunman opened fire, Bishop said.
