
Housing Market Is Focus of Meeting

More than 40 real estate leaders will share their assessments of the apartment and housing markets at the Annual Apartment and Housing Outlook conference Nov. 16 at Century Plaza Hotel.

Speakers will address such topics as the strength of housing and apartment construction, the economy and legislation related to the industry. Participants will get insight into what is happening in the real estate cycle, current market trends and how interest rate movement affects the business.

Among the speakers will be Heidi McKibben, vice president of Fannie Mae; Steve Carlson, executive director of California Housing Council; G.U. Krueger, deputy chief economist of the California Assn. of Realtors; Joe Mattey, senior economist of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; as well as some of the region’s leading developers.


Registration for the daylong event will be $215 until Nov. 2, after which it will cost $240. The fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch, refreshments, a networking reception and program materials. For further information, call the sponsor, Real Estate Conference Group, at (310) 285-5327, or register at the Web site at
