
L.A. Chamber to Distribute Ventura Firm’s Product

Interactive Buyers Network International Ltd. in Ventura announced that the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce will distribute the company’s Virtual SOURCE Publisher to its 2,000 members to use as an Internet tool for small business and an Intranet tool for large companies.

“We are clearly moving in the right direction,” said Robert “Jay” McShirley, Interactive Buyers president. “The Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce brings considerable credibility to [our product].”

The chamber covers Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

Interactive Buyers will launch its Internet version of the Virtual SOURCE network later this month. Company officials said the product aids electronic commerce by letting buyers obtain competitive bids on a variety of goods and services and allowing sellers to provide product and pricing information to customers.


Virtual SOURCE also lets a user build a simple Web site without technical training, specialized software or the cost of a consultant.
