
Goddess Movement

* Re “Seeking the Feminine Side of God,” Oct. 15:

I was an active part of the Dianic community years ago and am extremely grateful to many of the women with whom I practiced. I was surprised not to have seen anything mentioned on “coed” circles as an alternate path to female empowerment.

Mythology offers countless examples of gods who aren’t macho thugs but instead are examples of love and compassion. Many women find it fulfilling to honor the male and female aspects of nature by worshiping both the gods and the goddesses alongside the people they love--who simply happen to be men.


Los Angeles

* Your article on the feminist movement in religion probably ignored the largest group of us, who are working for a more scholarly approach to biblical study. Many women in the mainstream Protestant churches are asking only for inclusive language in worship and theological studies as well as parity in the church offices. To emphasize the matriarchal approach becomes as sexist as to emphasize the patriarchal in worship.


The true aim for my generation of activist women is to publish Bibles that are accurate interpretations of the original biblical material and historical studies that include all the social factors at work at every stage of Christianity and thus, for equality of all genders, to worship in the house of the creator.


Huntington Beach
