
Newest High School Mascot: TimberWolves

The Northwood TimberWolves.

That’s the mascot selected by a vote of eighth- and ninth-graders who are planning to attend Northwood High School in Irvine when it opens next September. They also selected the new school’s colors: navy blue, silver and white.

Students in the Northwood attendance area originally suggested 88 different mascots and 90 color combinations. A committee of more than 100 eighth- and ninth-graders narrowed the choice to 10 mascots and 10 sets of colors.

“When we talked about criteria,” Principal Tony Ferruzzo said, “one thing the kids said they wanted in a mascot was they preferred an animal as opposed to a personage. And they wanted the animal to be vicious, but noble. I think Northwood TimberWolves has a nice ring to it.”


When it was pointed out that timber wolves aren’t considered indigenous to Southern California, Ferruzzo noted with a laugh, “I think it depends how far back in time you go.”

A panel of two eighth-graders, two ninth-graders, two parents and four staff members narrowed the field to three mascots--WildCats, TimberWolves and Grizzlies--and three color combinations--red, silver and black; navy blue, silver and white, and black, gold and white--before last week’s vote.
