
44th Assembly District : Democratic Incumbent Jack Scott and Republican Challenger Ken LaCorte Do Battle for a Seat in a Traditionally GOP Stronghold

<i> Bob Rector is op-ed page editor for the San Fernando Valley and Ventura County editions</i>

Jack Scott in 1996 became the first Democrat elected to office in the 44th Assembly District, which covers an area stretching from Pasadena through parts of La Canada Flintridge, Glendale and into the northeastern San Fernando Valley.

But the 65-year-old former president of Pasadena City College may have trouble duplicating his victory in November.

The GOP is throwing its resources behind Ken LaCorte, a La Crescenta medical supply company manager.


LaCorte, 33, gained some notoriety recently when he created a Web site that listed the names of registered sex offenders.

Democrats have a 5-point registration advantage but the seat is still competitive. Although President Clinton carried the district in 1992 and 1996, Gov. Pete Wilson won there in 1994 by a substantial margin.

The Times recently asked both candidates their views on a variety of state issues.

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Times: Propositon 5 would sanction casino-style gambling on the state’s Indian lands. Do you favor or oppose it and why?


Scott: Although I am sympathetic to the plight of the Indians, Prop. 5 will remove all regulations on the spread of gambling in California. Rather, I voted for the Senate bill, which places a cap on video slot machines (20,000) on Indian reservations. This is both reasonable and legal.

LaCorte: There is already gambling on Indian lands, and Prop. 5 would not, by my understanding, allow any expansion of it. I support Prop. 5 because of the unfair treatment Indians have received historically. I believe Indians should retain the right to govern themselves and their activities on their reservations.


Times: Do you support Propositon 9, which would rewrite the state’s electricity deregulation law to require a 20% rate cut and prevent utilities from charging customers $28 billion for the cost of nuclear plants and long-term purchase contracts?


Scott: I do not support Prop. 9 because it nullifies an agreement reached in 1996 involving consumer groups, the state Legislature and utilities. This agreement was signed by the governor. Prop. 9 is opposed by both gubernatorial candidates, taxpayer groups, labor unions, conservation organizations and the utilities.

LaCorte: I do not support Prop. 9. I believe current deregulation of electric utilities should stand, allowing its effects and benefits to be fully realized. I oppose embarking on an initiative such as Prop. 9, which would actually cost consumers money.


Times: Do you believe parents should be given vouchers to help them afford private schools for their children?

Scott: No. The costs are prohibitive--it would cost $2.7 billion just to fund the 615,000 children already in private and church schools. Our schools need more resources, not less. I join California voters who rejected vouchers in 1996. We should invest in improving our public schools for all students.

LaCorte: I have serious doubts about school vouchers. I believe we can instill real accountability in our education system through charter schools and other needed reforms. I have a plan to initiate school report cards to encourage parental involvement by telling them how their school performs in relation to neighboring districts.


Times: Do you support more rigid gun control laws?

Scott: I support reasonable gun regulations because I believe that guns are dangerous products. Last year, gunfire killed more Californians than automobile accidents. Therefore, I supported three different measures in the Legislature that banned assault weapons, that required gun dealers to offer trigger locks and that mandated safety measures for Saturday night specials.


LaCorte: My family has experienced gun violence firsthand, when by sister was shot to death in 1976. Our real goal should be reducing crime. I support a ban on fully automatic weapons and will support keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals, and to keep criminals who use them behind bars.


Times: Do you support a woman’s right to an abortion in all cases?

Scott: I support Roe vs. Wade, which gives the right of abortion to a woman. However, Roe vs. Wade gives the state an interest in regulating abortion in the third trimester. Therefore, abortions in the third trimester should only be permitted when a woman’s life or health is at stake.

LaCorte: I support a woman’s right to choose an abortion in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is endangered.


Times: Part of the district is located in the San Fernando Valley, which is involved in a debate over seceding from the city of Los Angeles. How do you stand on this issue?

Scott: The San Fernando Valley should only be able to secede from Los Angeles if both the residents of the Valley and the residents of Los Angeles support it by a majority vote. No portion of the city should secede without considering the impact it has on the entire city.

LaCorte: L.A. is too big and run by bureaucrats detached from real people. I support citizens’ right to choose their own local government.



Times: How would you--or would you--reform the state’s managed care or HMO industry?

Scott: In the 1998 session, I authored two laws instituting important HMO reform and I will continue to support more thoroughgoing reform in the future. I support the Patient Bill of Rights, guaranteeing the right of doctors and patients to make health-care decisions, not insurance bureaucrats.

LaCorte: While HMOs have reduced health insurance cost so that many people can provide health care for their families, there are some serious problems. People need the right to choose their doctors; decisions should be made by patients and doctors, not by accountants. Finally, patients need the right to sue for malpractice.


Times: Do you favor raises for state employees?

Scott: Yes. It has been four years since state employees have received a salary increase. Since then, the cost of living increased by 8.2%. During our recession and budget crisis in the early 1990s, state employees endured pay cuts. It’s only fair that their salaries be adjusted as California enjoys economic recovery.

LaCorte: No.


Times: The state’s population could climb to 50 million in the next 25 years. What do you think the Legislature should be doing to plan for the predicted population explosion?

Scott: We must build an infrastructure to support increasing population. The Legislature took an important step by placing a school bond on the ballot in November. We must be progressive and support expansion of both transportation and water for the state to prepare for this huge population.

LaCorte: As California’s population continues to grow, the state Legislature must ensure that our infrastructure, especially schools and roadways, are improved and funded adequately in the most cost-efficient manner.



Times: What special qualities would you bring to the Legislature as a member of the Assembly?

Scott: I bring to the Legislature a rich personal experience, having been in higher education for 36 years, the last eight years as president of Pasadena City College. I now serve as chair of the Assembly Budget Committee for Education, and 25 of my bills became law in the 1997-1998 session.

LaCorte: As a private citizen, I’ve fought for safer streets by blocking paroles of violent criminals. To help parents, I challenged state law by publishing California’s sex offender list on the Internet. As a legislator, I will use that drive to tackle difficult problems such as improving education and lowering taxes.
