
Nurse Practitioner Is Option for Girls

* Thank you for your Oct. 4 article “For Girls, a Forum of Their Own,” describing an initiative by the American Assn. of University Women.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to volunteer as an adult facilitator for this important event. As the article stated, one of the purposes of the conference was to provide girls with perspectives on dynamic career opportunities in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, you incorrectly identified me as a physician. In fact, I am an adult nurse practitioner and was particularly pleased to be able to provide this audience with information on this career option.


As a nurse practitioner I function in many arenas, including clinical practice, teaching, publishing, research and administration.

Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with a master’s degree who have received advanced education and clinical training in a health care specialty.


Medical Coordinator

Laguna Beach Community Clinic
