
Developer Is Elected Water Board Chairman

Phillip J. Pace, president of Pace Land & Development in Montebello, Tuesday was elected chairman of the board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, one of the largest regional water agencies in the nation.

Pace, 63, will succeed John V. Foley to become the 14th chairman in the MWD’s 70-year history. The position is unpaid.

Foley has served two consecutive two-year terms as chairman. Pace, a member of the MWD board since 1995, begins his term Jan. 1.


Pace’s election marks the second major change in MWD leadership in the past two weeks. Metropolitan General Manager John R. Wodraska announced his resignation Sept. 29 to take a job with an international water company based in Houston.

As head of MWD’s 51-member governing board, Pace will represent district policies and programs at national, state and local levels. Pace served three terms as Montebello city treasurer, from 1970 to 1982. Previously, he was the city’s civil service commissioner from 1966 to 1970.
