
Funds OKd to Renovate Mom-and-Pop Shops

A $250,000 project to renovate the facades of a group of mom-and-pop businesses near the border with the city of Montebello is scheduled to begin next month.

The council has appropriated state and federal funds for the project, which will improve the look of eight two-story buildings in the 8200 and 8300 blocks of Whittier Boulevard, said city spokeswoman Vivien Hao.

“We want to improve the image of the city,” she said. “A lot of people drive past there, and hopefully it will increase their business and promote more commerce in the area.”


Contractors will repaint the front walls of the buildings, landscape outside entrances, add tiled signs and replace windows and doors. Some of the buildings are now vacant, but others include two small markets, a bakery, a drug rehabilitation center, an auto repair garage and a church.
