
Official Backs Reagan Library as 2000 Site

With help from a local elected leader, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library near Simi Valley is making a push to host Ventura County’s official millennium celebration next year.

Supervisor Judy Mikels is expected to ask the Board of Supervisors today to declare the popular tourist attraction the official celebration site.

The Reagan Foundation is organizing a large celebration at the library for Dec. 31, 1999, and Jan. 1, 2000, and approached county leaders about making it a major community event.


“The life and presidency of Ronald Reagan offer us all a reminder of the 20th Century and a glimpse into the 21st,” Mikels wrote in a letter to the board. “Regardless of political affiliation, there can be no argument that Ronald Reagan’s eight years as President and over four decades of activism left a distinct mark on Ventura County, California and the nation.”

Mikels aide Keith Jajko said Monday the plan had not encountered any opposition.
