
Women Killed in Sylmar Crash Identified

The Los Angeles County coroner’s office said Sunday that two women killed last week in a Sylmar traffic accident were sisters.

Delarosa Llanos Pilar, 58, was driving a car carrying her sister, Dula Espinosa Perez, 64, and two unidentified men, said coroner’s investigator Joyce Kato.

The two women, both of Reseda, were killed when Pilar stopped at a stop sign, then drove through the intersection at San Fernando Road and Sierra Highway, into the path of an oncoming car, Kato said.


The 16-year-old driver of that car and the two men riding in Pilar’s car were treated for minor injuries.

Pilar was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, near the junction of the Golden State and Antelope Valley freeways.

Perez died at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills.

No charges are pending against the teenage driver, Kato said.
