
Santa Clarita Teens Held in Burglaries

With nine arrests last week and several more suspects named, Santa Clarita sheriff’s deputies say they have broken up a ring of burglars responsible for dozens of residential thefts during the last three years.

But this is not a typical crime syndicate.

The alleged burglars are all students at Saugus High School.

“So far, these are kids who all fit into the skateboarder mold,” said Det. Dennis Blackstock of the Santa Clarita sheriff’s station. “I wouldn’t really call it a ring--they aren’t that sophisticated--but they are all friends and they knew about each other’s thefts.”

Sheriff’s investigators said 13 of the 14 youths implicated in the thefts have admitted stealing guns, electronic items, jewelry and car parts from their Saugus neighbors for their own use and, in some cases, to sell to buy drugs.


Blackstock said an initial interview with one suspect led to the others.

As many as 20 youths could face felony charges--including burglary, grand theft, possession of a firearm and receiving stolen property, Blackstock said. All of those charged are 16 or 17 years old.

Some burglaries were committed as far away as San Diego, detectives said, but most took place near Saugus High School between June 1996 and August of this year.
