
Time for Action From PacBell

At the hands of a modern-day monopolist lies lower telephone rates and better service for all Californians [“PUC Says PacBell Isn’t Ready for Long-Distance,” Oct. 6].

However, despite their numerous claims of helping open California’s local phone service markets to competition, Pacific Bell has been creating roadblocks and hurdles for other competitors to enter our local telephone markets, depriving Californians of lower rates and quality service.

A report released Monday by the California Public Utilities Commission staff outlines how PacBell has displayed anti-competitive behavior by denying other companies access to their over 17 million service lines in California. For consumers this means higher prices and reduced service quality. More importantly, the issue isn’t so much about competitors as it is about consumers and choice.


If PacBell welcomes competition and is committed to providing consumers with the benefits of true competition, then why don’t they act on their claims?

Spending thousands of dollars on running full-page ads in the state’s top newspapers with misleading claims just doesn’t cut it.

As a consumer, I’m tired of hearing PacBell’s rhetoric and would like to see them act for a change.



Citizens United

for Lower Telecom Rates

