
T-Shirt Contest Seeks Anti-Drug Designs

The Community Services Department is sponsoring a T-shirt designing contest in honor of Red Ribbon Week, which begins Oct. 23.

The design must promote a positive alcohol and drug-free lifestyle, include the color red and fit an 8 1/2-by-11-inch area. Designs showing alcohol, tobacco, drugs or copyrighted cartoon characters cannot be used.

Participants must reside or attend school in La Habra and Lowell Joint School District areas. The deadline is Tuesday.


The grand prize winner will get four T-shirts with the design and a dinner with the mayor prepared by La Habra firefighters. The winning design will be presented at the Community Breakfast Oct. 23.

Entries can be delivered to the Community Service Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. They will be judged by the La Habra Art Assn.

Information: (562) 905-9708
