
Baby-Sitter Finds Missing Mom Shot to Death at Home


A 27-year-old woman was found shot to death at her home two days after she took her children to a baby-sitter’s house and never returned for them, authorities said Thursday.

Police are now looking for the boyfriend of Raquel Ledezma to question him in connection with her death, said Det. Frank Bishop of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Foothill Division.

Alejandro Puente Ramos--who may also go by the name of Alejandro Fuente Ramos--is not yet a suspect, Bishop said. “We are just seeking to speak to him,” he said.


According to authorities, Ledezma, her two small children--a boy and a girl--and Ramos lived at the house in the 11700 block of Bromont Avenue.

Monday, Ledezma took the children to the baby-sitter’s home in the area but never returned to pick them up, Bishop said.

Wednesday evening, the baby sitter went to Ledezma’s house to find out why Ledezma had never returned and found her dead, Bishop said. Ledezma had been shot once in the upper torso.


The baby-sitter summoned police to the house about 6:30 p.m.

Meanwhile, Ramos had not returned to the house, Bishop said. Detectives also were trying to contact relatives and friends to learn more about Ledezma’s background and what may have led to her killing.

The children--ages 4 and 2--were being cared for by the baby-sitter, Bishop said.
