
Pint-Sized Punch Lines

* What do you get when you cross a lamb with a fan? A lamb chop! (Christopher O’Connor, 6, Copperas Cove, Texas, Mae Stevens Elementary)

* Why does Santa Claus have three gardens? So he can hoe-hoe-hoe! (Wyatt Mills, 7, Malibu, Odyssey Program)

* What kind of candy do cows eat? Moolk duds. (Nyssa Senoi Newman, 8, Palmdale, Ocotillo School)


* Why did the pig cross the road? Because he didn’t want to be hammed in. (Kelsee Berger, 6, Placentia, Wagner Elementary School)

* What kind of jokes do fish tell? Finny ones. (Yasamine Torbati, 8, Los Angeles, Mount Washington School)

* KIDS, GOT A JOKE? Send it to Pint-Sized Punch Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Parents and teachers, please see that your child clearly prints (or types) his or her full name, age, hometown and school. Please note that we try to avoid jokes we’ve published before. And please be patient.
