
Reviewer Missed Fine Stewart Concert

Mike Boehm must have attended a different Rod Stewart performance (“Every Concert Tells a Story,” Sept. 26). What other enthusiastic (standing through almost the whole concert) audience members and I witnessed was an energetic and truly entertaining concert by a man who continues to give people their money’s worth.

I would have gone back to see him a second night if it were possible. We enjoyed the old and new songs, thought his voice sounded great, and didn’t care if he “blew a cue” once.

My only complaint was that I wanted to hear more when the two hours was over. His band was outstanding--Boehm didn’t even mention several sax solos and an incredible drum solo that lasted for several minutes.


I don’t know what Boehm expected from the concert. Rod may no longer be “cutting edge,” but he still pulls in quite a crowd after 30-plus years. Too bad that out of 12,000 people in the audience, the one who was disappointed had to write the review.


Aliso Viejo
