
Space for Sale on Cancer Awareness Quilt

* Simi Valley Hospital & Health Care Services is selling 8-inch spaces on its Relay for Life Cancer Awareness Quilt to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. Participants are invited to pay tribute to loved ones who have, survived or died of cancer. The completed quilt will be unveiled in February and will remain on display at the Simi Valley Hospital’s Aspen Outpatient Center. $5 per space. Deadline is Dec. 31. Information: 527-2462, Ext. 7309.

Annual Dudley House Boutique Underway

* The fifth annual Dudley House Victorian Holiday Boutique will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Friday through Dec. 6 at Ashwood Avenue and Loma Vista Road, Ventura. Donations will be collected to fund the restoration of the 106-year-old home. Admission is free. Information: 643-4217 or 642-7664.

Country Band Plays Benefit for Ill Children

* The country band Caught Red Handed will play at a benefit for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Tri-Counties at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Ventura Theatre, 26 S. Chestnut St. Make-A-Wish provides wishes to children who have life-threatening or terminal illnesses. $5. Information: 495-2031.


High School Plans Holiday Auction, Dinner

* The Cornerstone Christian High School holiday auction will be held Friday at 1777 Arneill Road, Camarillo. Guests may preview auction items beginning at 6 p.m. with both live and silent auctions starting at 7:30 p.m. Items up for bid include hotel and spa stays, vacation packages and electronic equipment. A tri-tip and chicken dinner will be available. Free admission; $8 advance, $10 at the door for the dinner. Reservations: 987-8621.

Grammy-Winning Gospel Singer to Perform

* Grammy Award-winning gospel singer Andrae Crouch will perform at the fourth annual City Impact dinner Friday at the South Coast Fellowship Church, 4050 Market St., Ventura. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m., with the performance to follow. City Impact sponsors youth programs for children throughout Ventura County. $25. Reservations: 983-3636.

Book Sale to Benefit Ventura Libraries

* The San Buenaventura Friends of the Library will host a book sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday in front of the Wright Library, 57 Day Road, Ventura. Proceeds will benefit Ventura libraries. Free admission. Information: 659-5930.


Bridge Players to Raise Funds for Charity

* The Camarillo Senior Center will host a benefit bridge tournament from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at 1605 E. Burnley St. Proceeds will go to the American Contract Bridge League charity fund as well as local charitable organizations. $3.50 to participate. Information: 482-4881.

Music Group to Host Teddy Bear Tea Benefit

* The Ventura Chamber Music Festival will host its Teddy Bear Tea & Trumpets fund-raiser at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Olivas Adobe, 4500 Olivas Park Drive, Ventura. The afternoon will include brass chamber music, an instrument petting zoo, crafts for children and a silent auction for adults. Adults will be served a traditional English tea with finger sandwiches; children will be served cocoa, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and teddy bear cookies. $45 adults, $25 children. Tickets: 648-3146 or 667-2900.

Holiday Homes Tour to Aid Wellness Group

* The Wellness Community Valley-Ventura will sponsor its seventh annual Holiday Homes Tour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Dec. 6. Four decorated homes, in Lynn Ranch, North Ranch, Lake Sherwood and Morrison Ranch will be open to the public. Proceeds will benefit the organization, which provides support and educational programs for cancer patients and their families. $15 advance, $20 at the door. Information: 379-4777.


Local Artists to Sell Work to Help Gallery

* Local artists will sell their artwork to benefit the Thousand Oaks Community Gallery from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday and from 1 to 5 p.m. Dec. 6 and Dec. 10-12, at the gallery, at Borchard Road and Michael Drive, Newbury Park. Proceeds will go toward upgrading the gallery lighting system. Information: 498-4390.

Dinner-Auction to Raise Funds for Needy

* Simcha B’nai B’rith of Thousand Oaks will sponsor its annual fund-raising dinner and live auction at 6 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Radisson Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley. Proceeds will help provide turkeys and yams to the Manna food bank for distribution to people in need during the holidays. Funds also will support the distribution of blankets to homeless people in the area. $23. Reservations: 374-8655.

Home Tour and Holiday Crafts Fair

* The Meadowlark Service League will sponsor a home tour from 1 to 5 p.m. Dec. 6 at four homes in the Spanish Hills, Somis and Santa Rosa areas. There will be a holiday crafts fair at the Santa Rosa location and Toys for Tots donations will be accepted during the event. $15 advance, $20 on the day of the tour. Information: 383-6534 or 482-9743.

Ventura Y to Host Christmas Tree Sale

* The Ventura Family YMCA will host its annual Christmas tree sale from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 12 at 3760 Telegraph Road. Proceeds will benefit the organization’s youth programs. Information or advance orders: 642-2131, Ext. 19.

Toy Drive Seeks Gifts for Children in Need

* The Ventura County Fire Department will sponsor its Spark of Love Toy Drive and holiday safety program from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Camarillo Town Center at Las Posas Road and Ventura Boulevard. The program will include emergency service exhibits, fire safety programs and blood pressure screenings. Donations of unwrapped toys and sporting equipment will be collected for distribution to children through the county’s Public Social Services Agency. Information: 389-9769.

Participants Sought for Arts, Crafts Festival

* The Conejo Recreation and Park District is registering vendors for its 12th annual Spring Art and Craft Festival March 13 and 14 at the Borchard Community Center in Newbury Park. The cost for vendor space is $75 for two days. Proceeds will support the community center’s programs. Information: 381-2791.



Community Chest, a weekly listing of charitable fund-raising events, is compiled by Leo Smith. Please address items, with a publishable telephone number to Community Chest, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
