
Whale-Watching Registration Begins

Starting in December, the Pacific gray whale will begin its annual migration from Alaska to the warm waters off the coast of Mexico, and registration for whale-watching excursions is underway.

Island Packers, the authorized concessionaire for Channel Islands National Park, is offering more than 20 types of trips this season, from half-day to full-day whale watching, hiking, kayak and camping activities.

Each winter the gray whale makes a 6,000-mile migration to the Baja Peninsula to birth new calves and breed for the next season. Besides the whales, boat passengers often see large groups of dolphins and sea lions.


The whale-watching season begins Dec. 26 and runs through March 31. Gift certificates for upcoming trips are available through Island Packers, 1867 Spinnaker Drive in Ventura Harbor.

For reservations, call 642-1393. For more information, call 642-7688 or visit the Island Packers Web site at
