
Dispute Over VA Property

* Re “New Battlefield for Veterans,” Nov. 22:

How transparent can the Veterans Park/Brentwood Homeowners Assn. group be? Do they really think anyone is fooled by their purported desire to do what’s best for our veterans by asserting control over prime Westside property?

John Keaveney is right on the money when he says that group is more interested in protecting its own property values. Shame on anyone in Washington who has or will allow the interests of this group to be put ahead of our veterans.


La Canada


* When my father-in-law, World War II veteran Bernard Lager, died last year, his family might have been consoled by his burial at the Los Angeles National Cemetery in the heart of the community where he’d lived and worked for many years. But there was no room. Nor are his sons, who served during the Vietnam conflict, likely to be accorded this privilege either. Not unless Veterans Park achieves its goals.


The vast majority of America’s veterans, after their honorable separation, find new ways to contribute to our country. Very few, able-bodied or otherwise, are dependent on public support. Whatever their financial status, all are entitled to recognition and gratitude for what they have done for us.

I am deeply offended by your reporter’s portrayal of “the nation’s largest local population of veterans” as needy of “mental health counseling, job training and a host of other services.” Of course, those who require such help, especially the homeless, should be given to without stint. But meeting those needs does not excuse us from suitably acknowledging our debt to every American veteran.


Los Angeles
